
tooth loss and replacement options

Side-Effects of Tooth Loss

The side effects of tooth loss can be far-reaching. From anatomical bone changes to self-consciousness, here’s how dental implants can reverse the impact of missing teeth.

benefits of all-on-4 implants

Advantages of All-on-4 Implants in DFW

There are big benefits of getting All-on-4 implants in DFW. Read about the advantages that implants have to offer to help you decide if they’re right for you.

snap-on dentures and overdentures

Snap-on Denture FAQ

Snap-on Denture designs are gaining popularity in Fort Worth and Dallas. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that our implant experts hear:

dental implant bridges Fort Worth, Dallas

About Dental Implant Bridges

Dental implant bridges replace missing teeth while protecting your natural, healthy smile. No partial dentures are required! Know the difference between fixed vs. implant bridges.

replacing a missing tooth

Best Options: Replacing a Missing Tooth

Do you have a single missing tooth that needs to be replaced? What options are there? Which one is best? Read about these popular tooth replacement treatments to choose the one that’s best for you.