Tooth loss is fairly common, and not just for the elderly but younger individuals as well. If you are someone who has one or more missing teeth, either snap-on dentures […]
The Dental Implant Procedure
The dental implant procedure is a complex yet highly effective method for replacing missing teeth, and it involves several key stages that require careful consideration and collaboration between the patient […]
History of Dental Implants
Throughout the course of human history, the presence of a full set of teeth has been highly valued, serving both practical and aesthetic purposes. This universal appreciation has inspired people […]
Start to Finish: What to Expect During Implant Treatment
You’ve probably heard that getting dental implants isn’t a one-time, same-day process. Sure, there may be places that advertise teeth in a day, but there’s actually a lot more to […]
Cost: How Expensive Are Dental Implants?
If you’re missing teeth or need a tooth extracted, replacing them is also on the agenda. Today, dental implants are the best tooth replacement option there is. But compared to […]
How do Dental Implants Feel Different From Dentures?
If you need to replace all or most of your teeth, you have two popular options to choose from: dental implants and dentures. Dentures have been around not just decades, […]
Are Dental Implants Visible When You Smile?
If you’ve ever seen a picture of dental implants, you may have wondered, “Can you see the implants in my mouth whenever I smile?” or “Are the implants visible?” The […]
Dental Implants: Designing Your New Smile
If you’re considering dental implants, you may have questions about what the process involves and how your new teeth will look once all is said and done. At ARCHPOINT Implant […]
Overdentures (Snap-on Dentures) FAQs
If you’re missing all of your teeth, you may be considering dentures as a replacement option. After all, dentures have been used for centuries and are one of the cheapest […]
How Do Dental Implants Work?
Dental implants are a cutting-edge solution for any adult with missing teeth. Their unique shape and durability are designed to provide a permanent and effective replacement for natural teeth. At […]